Abhishek Gupta
3 min readMar 12, 2024

Immerse yourself in a chilling expedition with Sons of the Forest, an engaging narrative that thrusts you against a horde of cannibals on a deserted island.

How to Use Light Bulbs in Sons of the Forest

Discover essential skills for staying alive and simplifying your existence with state-of-the-art innovations such as light bulbs.

Sons of the Forest Update — March 6, 2024

Intensified Thrills and New Survival Dynamics

The game received a significant update on the 6th of March 2024, which made it even scarier and more exciting. The gameplay now involves using light bulbs as a means of survival.

Navigating the Island for Survival

Locating Light Bulbs and Essential Supplies

It’s an adventure in itself trying to locate these bulbs; be sure to check out camps, bunkers, and areas close to 3D printers. First, search the island to find light bulbs in crates, although bulbs are just a part of the required supplies. You also have to get some solar panels, wires, and golf cart batteries.

Buying Light Bulbs — How to Find the Latest Technology

Progress takes time and effort, but there are some quick tricks that can help you along the way. Cheats can be useful if you are looking for a shortcut. They will enable you to quickly attain what is necessary and difficult otherwise, such as items or weapons. WeMod and Thunderstore are platforms you can rely on for this purpose.

Setting Up Your Base

Strategic Base Construction

A good place to start setting up your base is near a water source. Here are some steps you can follow:

- Build a square using logs as the foundation.

- Enclose the area by constructing plank walls all around it.

- Place the solar panel on the planks and stretch wires over the logs.

- Twist some bulbs into the logs.

Power and Upgrade Management

Ensuring Optimal Functionality

To ensure that the light bulbs are functioning properly, switch them on and off while verifying their connection with the wires as well as the solar panel. A simple color change of the bulbs serves as a status indicator — no color indicates no contact; weak connections are shown in red, while stable ones are shown in green. To use them at night, you can add a battery pack with the solar panel.

Beyond Light Bulbs — Renewable Energy

Renewable energy goes beyond just light bulbs. Consider more than just lighting applications when using solar panels; employ these devices as a means of electrifying the fence to repel intruders, which also paves the way for other innovations like wind turbines that will provide more power.

Also read: How to Fix Sons of The Forest Achievements are Locked Problem: Easy Guide 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Addressing Common Queries

Can I make light bulbs?

No, you must buy them. Crafting light bulbs is not an option; however, you can find them scattered throughout the game world, especially in caves, mysterious locations, and areas with supernatural occurrences.

Where can I find battery packs?

Battery packs could be in maintenance areas or near the place where the golf carts are stationed. Explore these zones to locate these essential power sources for your electronic devices and lighting fixtures.

How do I activate or deactivate the bulbs?

To activate or deactivate the bulbs, one must simply connect them with the cables and then connect those cables to the solar panels. Ensure a proper power connection to control the lighting in your base efficiently.

Will there be alternative energy sources?

Definitely, there will be other sources of energy, such as wind turbines, in the coming years. Keep an eye out for advancements in the game, as additional renewable energy options may become available for a more sustainable power supply.

Can I use cheats to expedite progress?

Without any doubt, using cheats can accelerate your progress. While it may provide a shortcut, keep in mind that it could impact your overall gaming experience. Exercise caution to maintain the balance between enjoyment and advancement.

What base location is most suitable?

By the running water, with not too many trees and bushes that could provide perfect hiding spots for enemies. Choosing a base location near running water minimizes the risk of surprise attacks and ensures a strategic advantage. Avoid areas with excessive vegetation that may conceal threats to your safety.