Hogwarts Legacy True Ending — How To Get?
Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing video game set in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The game is set in the late 1800s, long before the events of the Harry Potter series.
In the game, players will create their own character, attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and go on a journey filled with choices that will affect the outcome of the game.
Hogwarts Legacy: Unlocking the True Ending
One of the key choices that players will make in Hogwarts Legacy is which House to join. However, this is just the beginning of the many choices that players will face throughout the game. At the end of the game, players will be presented with a choice that will determine which of the three endings they will get.
The first two endings in Hogwarts Legacy are the “good” ending and the “bad” ending. To get the “good” ending, players will need to choose to keep the Repository a secret and contain it. On the other hand, to get the “bad” ending, players will need to choose to open the Repository and not keep it a secret.
However, there is a third and true ending in Hogwarts Legacy that can only be unlocked by completing two additional quests called “Weasley’s Watchful Eye” and “The House Cup.”
The House Cup
The “Weasley’s Watchful Eye” quest can be completed immediately after finishing the main quest “The Final Repository.” However, “The House Cup” quest requires players to reach level 34 before they can even begin it. If players focused mainly on the main quests, they may not be at the required level by the end of the game.
To reach the required level, players will need to complete side quests, various challenges, and find other collectibles that give them XP. Fortunately, there are many ways to efficiently level up fast in the game, which will get players to level 34 and even max level 40 quickly.
Once players reach the required level, they can begin “The House Cup” quest, which will unlock the true ending of Hogwarts Legacy. This ending will provide players with a much greater sense of closure and accomplishment.
In addition, by winning the House Cup, players will unlock the “Seeker of Knowledge” achievement/trophy. At this point, players will have made almost all the choices in the game, but there is still plenty to do. Players can find more collectibles and try to max out their character to truly complete the game.
Also read: Hogwarts Legacy DLC All We Know
In conclusion
Hogwarts Legacy is a game about choices, and these choices will determine the outcome of the game. By choosing to keep the Repository a secret and contain it, players can get the “good” ending, while choosing to open the Repository and not keep it a secret will result in the “bad” ending.
However, by completing the “Weasley’s Watchful Eye” and “The House Cup” quests, players can unlock the true ending and experience a much more satisfying conclusion to the game.